Your Really Goo’d Guide to Delta 9 THC

Anyone who’s indulged in some cannabis before has experienced the effects of Delta 9 THC firsthand, whether they know it or not.  Easily the most popular compound in the cannabis plant, Delta 9 THC is best known for being the dominant compound in marijuana.  And in fact, it’s gotten something of a long overdue PR makeover in recent years, mostly in response to laws changing for the better throughout the United States.

Now, just because you may have experienced Delta 9 THC for yourself in the past doesn’t necessarily mean you know exactly what the compound is, how it works, or what it’s capable of.  So, allow us to present our Delta 9 guide, offering up some key info you could ever wanna know about this bliss-inducing plant derivative.

What Exactly is Delta 9 THC?

Delta 9 THC is, like we said before, the dominant chemical compound in marijuana, making up anywhere from 5%-30% of the plant’s composition, depending on the strain.  It’s also found in the hemp plant, but only in trace amounts (0.3% or less).  So, those who take full-spectrum hemp products aren’t gonna really feel the effects of Delta 9.

Delta 9 THC is the shortened name for Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical compound that was discovered back in the 1940s.  It was identified by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, an Israeli chemist, along with his colleagues, who are renowned for their pioneering work in cannabis research.  Dr. Mechoulam’s team isolated Delta 8 THC, as well as Delta 9 THC (the more well-known psychoactive component of cannabis), in the early 1960s.  The work of Dr. Mechoulam significantly advanced the scientific understanding of cannabinoids and their effects.  Hence, Delta 9 has been notorious ever since.  Found in the female cannabis plant’s flowers, it’s one of the most widely used plant compounds in the world, and it has been for literally thousands of years, even.

To really understand how Delta 9 THC works though, we need to talk about cannabinoids and what makes these types of compounds unique from every other compound found in nature.  Delta 9 THC is a cannabinoid, and this type of compound is found only in cannabis.  Now, every cannabinoid in cannabis interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) in a totally unique manner, based on which cannabinoid receptors (CB receptors) it attaches to, and at what rates.  More simply, Delta 9 THC attaches to specific receptors in the body (mostly the nervous system) to trigger specific effects at a unique potency level, which is why Delta 9 feels different from, let’s say Delta 8 or CBD.

Delta 9 THC can, ultimately, be extracted from either hemp or marijuana, but complex state laws impact what Delta 9 product types are legal in each part of the country, and how potent those products can be – something that we’ll get more into in just a bit.

What Does Delta 9 THC Feel Like?

Obviously, Delta 9 THC’s claim to fame is the ‘high’ that you can get from it.  Its recreational value is pretty major, and it can affect everyone somewhat differently.  Some people say that it helps them feel more focused and motivated, while others swear that Delta 9 makes them sleepy.  One reason why that’s the case is because everyone’s endocannabinoid system is dissimilar.  Besides that, there are different strains, product types, and potency levels to consider, each affecting how you experience Delta 9 once it’s been absorbed into your body.

Overall, Delta 9 THC is said to be very blissful.  The effects can make us feel both euphoric and tranquil, and of course, a lot of people swear by its therapeutic uses as well.  Whether you’re looking for the more medicinal side of THC or you’re just looking for something recreational, there’s no denying that Delta 9 brings a whole lot to the party.

Is it Safe to Take Delta 9 THC?

It’s been a long time since propaganda films like Reefer Madness were making the rounds, but there are still a number of people who worry that THC isn’t actually all that safe.  Well, rest assured, the cannabinoid is completely nontoxic to us, and if it were actually dangerous, we’d probably know about it by now, considering just how many long-term users have been indulging in cannabis for generations upon generations.

Of course, Delta 9 can cause some side effects, but these side effects are regarded as mild, and tend to last for no more than a couple of hours.  They include:

  • Dizziness
  • Paranoia/anxiety
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Cottonmouth
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Impairment
  • Forgetfulness

With all that being said, we want to point out that because Delta 9 can cause impairment, you really want to avoid driving while under the influence.  Besides it being potentially dangerous to drive while high, it’s strictly illegal.

Delta 9 THC’s Legality Factor

Now things get a bit confusing, since Delta 9 THC laws vary so much on a state level.  Under the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, hemp products may not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC by dry weight.  At the same time, marijuana is strictly illegal.

However, Delta 9 THC derived from marijuana is obviously legal in states where weed has become legal.  Meanwhile, Delta 9 THC derived from hemp will not be (if it exceeds more than 0.3% per dry weight), because hemp and marijuana operate under two different sets of laws on a state level as well as a federal level.

But there is kind of a catch – or a legal loophole, if you will.  Under federal and state laws, hemp-based products cannot contain more than 0.3% delta 9 THC by dry weight.  However, companies have figured out a workaround, which’s offering basically supersized products, so that 0.3% delta 9 THC comes out to a good number of milligrams; enough to give you the known effects of the cannabinoid.  

Can Delta 9 THC Cause a Failed Drug Test Result?

Yes, Delta 9 THC can cause a failed drug test.  Drug tests commonly screen for THC, the main psychoactive component in cannabis.  Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Detection: Standard drug tests, particularly urine tests, are designed to detect THC metabolites, specifically THC-COOH, which can linger in the body for days to weeks after consumption.
  2. Forms of Consumption: Regardless of whether THC is consumed via smoking, vaping, edibles, or other forms, it can be detected in a drug test.
  3. Detection Windows: The time THC remains detectable in your system depends on various factors, including the frequency of use, body fat percentage, metabolism, and the sensitivity of the test.  For occasional users, THC can be detectable for up to a few days, while for regular users, it can be detectable for several weeks.
  4. Types of Tests: Different drug tests have varying detection windows:
    • Urine Tests: Most common; THC metabolites can be detected for up to 30 days in chronic users.
    • Blood Tests: Detect THC for a few hours to a couple of days.
    • Saliva Tests: Detect THC for up to 72 hours, depending on usage.
    • Hair Tests: Less common; can detect THC for up to 90 days.

If you’re subject to drug testing, it’s important to be aware of the potential implications of consuming products containing Delta 9 THC.

Ways to Get Delta 9 THC into Your System: Product Types/Delivery Methods You Can Find This Cannabinoid in

There are numerous kinds of Delta 9 product types/delivery methods you can scope out.  Keep in mind that if these products are hemp-derived, they will contain, at most, 0.3% Delta 9 THC.  Another thing to remember is that a lot of Delta 9 products on the hemp marketplace contain other cannabinoids too, in higher concentrations, like THC-P, HHC, Delta 8 THC, etc.

The products below contain a THC distillate – a pure liquid extract of Delta 9 THC, and it’s made through a process called “isomerization”.  Since there’s just a trace amount of Delta 9 in hemp, companies can rearrange the molecules of cannabidiol (CBD) to convert it into Delta 9, as the compounds are isomers of each other.  From there, distilled steam is applied to the extract until what you’re left with is pure liquid Delta 9, which can be added to basically any product type, such as the following:

  • Delta 9 Vapes: If you do come across Delta 9 vapes, whether they be bottled e-liquids, vape cartridges, or AIO (All-In-One) disposable vape pens, they’re almost definitely will contain more than just Delta 9 THC.  In other words, it’ll likely be a blend of different cannabinoids, along with terpene extracts (usually live resin or “dry resin”), and also a vast strain selection.  The effects of vaping can be felt within minutes but only last for an hour or two at max.
  • Delta 9 Flower:Refers to cannabis flower that contains Delta 9 THC, and they come in pre-roll or loose buds form.  You can also find Delta 9 moonrocks (rolled in kief).  When people refer to Delta 9 flower, they are often discussing strains of cannabis that’re bred or selected for their THC content.  Like vapes, Delta 9 flower comes in tons, and we mean tons of strains.  When smoked (using a pipe or bong) or vaped (desktop or portable herbal vaporizer), the effects can also be felt within minutes, but only lasting for an hour or two at most.
  • Delta 9 Tinctures: These are taken sublingually – that means below the tongue.   Tinctures come in various milligram strengths, as well as flavored and non-flavored (natural) options.  The effects take about 30 minutes to “kick in” and last for several hours.  Usually come in extra-large bottles, so that a single serving comes out to a good amount of THC.
  • Delta 9 Edibles: Delta 9 edibles take effect within 30-45 minutes and supply long-lasting effects – think 8 hours or so.  They are formulated to appeal to the taste buds.  Edibles are a popular way to consume Delta 9 THC (while complying with the law), due to being discreet, easy to dose, and masking the natural taste of cannabinoids.  Delta 9 edibles are divided into two main types:
    • Confectionaries: Gummies, candies, chocolates, and mints.
    • Baked Goods: Cookies, brownies, cakes, and muffins.
  • Delta 9 Drinks: Drinkable products like teas, coffee, beverages (sodas, seltzers, etc.), shots, and even liquid syrups are absorbed fast, since they’re water-soluble, and even offer a refreshing way to get in that Delta 9 THC fix.  Delta 9 drinks follow the same principles as edibles, but they can absorb faster and more effectively because the product is water-soluble, rather than oil-soluble like every other product on our list.
  • Delta 9 Concentrates: Wax, shatter, badder, etc. are extremely potent since they’re highly concentrated.  They have to be dabbed (vaped in a dabbing device) to reach high temperatures that allow them to melt quickly, thus producing vapor.  Effects in turns of how fast they “kick in” and duration pretty much are on par with vapes.  Also, like vapes, if you do come across Delta 9 concentrates, they’re almost definitely will contain more than just Delta 9 THC
  • Delta 9 Capsules: Aren’t as popular, but they’re out there in the hemp marketplace.  They provide a way to take Delta 9 THC that’s similar to a supplement.  They take just a bit longer than edibles to kick in, and the effects for how long they last are typically on par with edible-based goods.  However, the effects usually aren’t as strong compared to edibles.
  • Delta 9 Topicals: These topicals are typically designed for external use and may include creams, lotions, balms, and slaves.  When applied topically, Delta 9 THC is absorbed through the skin, interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the local area.  Keep in mind, that most Delta 9 topicals are combined with CBD.

Who’s Currently Crafting the Best and Most Legit Delta 9 Products?

Delta 9 products sold on the online market do come from hemp, and more and more brands are launching their own variations.  The thing to keep in mind is that not all Delta 9 products are made equally.  So, in order to know you’re getting the real deal, you have to look at lab reports, which confirm the legitimacy, purity, safety, and potency of a product.  They should be posted on the company’s website.  Also, look at the ingredients in a formula, as well as reviews, to be certain you’re getting something made with top-quality standards.

If you’re seeking out the finest Delta 9 products on the market, then head on over to Goo’d Extracts.  Here, you will find top-shelf delta 9 THC in all kinds of formulas to enjoy the cannabinoid on your terms.

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